Dog "Betty”
Located in North Carolina
Character: Delights everyone she meets. Constant wagging tail. Well mannered.
Traits: Photogenic. Wears costumes well. Adapts well to all environments.
Socialization: Works as a therapy dog in nursing homes, rehab and assisted living facilities. . A favorite with her veterinary practice. Attends Fun With The Pugs and Play With The Pugs events through Mid-Atlantic Pug Rescue, Dog Day at the Burlington Royals ball park, book signings, and Alice Austen Pug Fun-Fundraiser in NYC. Travels extensively.
Favorites: Treats. Food (except leafy greens). Children. People.
Grooming: Glossy black. A trim 19#. Length neck to shoulders: 14” Height 12”. Well manicured.
Training: Holds Intermediate Education Training Certificate. Sits, downs and stays to hand signals. Navigating around wheelchairs and walkers. Registered Emotional Support Dog.
Achievements: Large following on her Facebook page. Published a book.
Experience: Fundraisers. Many roles in plays and musicals. Photo shoots.